Saturday, December 11, 2010

Merry Merry Merry....

Some people are so darned creative....a little holiday music for you!
(Will you be able to watch this only once?!)

Good grief, it'z blizzarding outzide! 
Here'z what it lookz like, only minutez ago:

Pardon the picture quality...taken with phone.
Sure, yesterday it was nearly 50 degrees, and today it's in single digits, wind howling, snowing horizontally.
I make fun of how much we Midwesterners are willing to talk about the weather
...geesh, it's something to talk about today!

Luckily, this stack is out of the blizzard and well on its way to California! Hooray!
(Note Christmas Story paper on top!)

Now it's time to have more of those
Black Walnut & Golden Raisin Cookies
I've been obsessing about (and eating) for days!


1 comment:

  1. It's been blizzard-ing all day! Horrid! Merry Merry Merry to you! :o)


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